How to Sign Up for a Part

Click on the name of your group.

image illustrating where to click to get to group page

If you don't see the name of your group, you need to log in first.

Once on the group page, click on the relevant date. Then click the check box or boxes to sign up for the part(s). You'll get a confirmation via email.

Email Shai at: if you have any problems.

Shabbat People - Online Tool for Participatory Congregations

So many parts in a service! How to keep track of who is doing what.

Many congregations, chavurot and minyanim rely heavily on volunteer coordinators: Torah-reading coodinators, kiddish coordinators, haftarah coordinators, davnnen coordinators, and more. The amount of phone calls, emails, back-and-forth that goes on to get everything done can be a real burden. Shabbat People is being created to lighten that burden.

It doesn't replace the coordinators, but it makes their job a lot easier. In addition the volunteers performing these roles can easily keep track of their own assignments by simply logging in, thus relieving the inevitable stress that comes from busy volunteers juggling busy lives.


  1. Members of your community can sign up for
    • Torah reading. Assignments available for signing up include the listing of the Torah verses and how many verses for each aliyah. Initial support for full and triennial Torah reading cycles
    • Haftarah
    • Divrei Torah/Sermon
    • Kiddish Sponsorship
    • Davennen/Leading Parts of the service
    • Any other special part that their minyan needs volunteers for on a regular basis (e.g. set-up, clean-up... something unique to your minyan)
  2. Customizable E-mail notifications for signing up or un-assigning from a part
  3. Historical data available making it easier to recruit volunteers for future sign-up based on previous preparation
  4. Ability to add group specific information to support volunteers in performing their roles, date-specific special information about special Shabbat or holiday events, and much more.